Saturday, October 11, 2014

First day at home

Sat with Harriet yesterday while Charles went to get her meds. Most of the time she was sleeping peacefully in her own bed. After she woke up we talked some. She seemed content to be home but exhausted by the trip and not sure what to do, as in "I should get things organized" etc. As was true in the hospital Harriet lit up when Charles came home and gave her a kiss. As I left  both Charles and Sketch were sitting on the bed and Harriet had a sweet, if tired, smile on her beautiful face.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Discharge planning meeting tuesday

Harriet discharge planning meeting

DOCs suggestions for home care

Brain fills in what isn't remembered sometimes makes no sense
Right now memory so so
This is Temporary
Getting better

PT: after first few days  home she can get around mostly by self. Not on stairs by self.

SPEECH: concentration poor, easily distracted, common after brain injury
  Switching tasks difficult
  Will get significantly better
  At hardest place right now because realizes has problems

OT: when up on feet charles should be around,  getting better

RN:  bring blood pressure cuff in to check
     Bring in White binder

Sonja (from Kaiser) in meeting. Will set things up once home.